What is Your Personal Injury Claim Worth?

If a personal injury has turned your life upside down, you are now in the process of learning exactly how to respond. From mounting medical bills and lost income to chronic pain, the consequences of a personal injury entitle you to receive financial compensation for your suffering. A personal injury attorney can help you navigate the complex legal system in order to fight for the compensation you deserve.

So how much can you expect to receive? There is no single answer, but by gathering all of the information related to your personal injury and using basic personal injury guidelines, you can calculate an estimate. Continue reading “What is Your Personal Injury Claim Worth?”

3 Signs You Need a Personal Injury Attorney

Unexpected tragedy can strike at any moment throughout your day. You could be involved in a car wreck, injured at work, or hurt when you fall down the stairs. In fact, the CDC reports that doctors offices receive more than 83 million visits for unexpected injuries every year, while emergency rooms receive nearly 50 million visits for the same reason.

If you are involved in an accident due to another person’s negligent actions, you shouldn’t have to cope with the financial implications yourself. This is why victims have the right to seek compensation for wrongful acts. Should you hire a personal injury attorney to pursue legal action after your accident? If any of the following indications apply to you, then the answer is yes! Continue reading “3 Signs You Need a Personal Injury Attorney”

The Emergency Medical Condition (EMC)

The “Emergency Medical Condition” – meet this statutory requirement or risk being limited to $2,500 in Florida PIP benefits.

In the personal injury world, it is important for injured claimants to utilize their full $10,000 PIP benefits, which is most commonly used to pay providers up to 80% of allowable charges for qualified medical treatment rendered after a motor vehicle accident.[1] Without full use of a claimants PIP medical benefits, the claimant may be left with unresolved and/or outstanding medical bills, or may be forced to use his/her private health insurance (if applicable), which can become problematic for a myriad of reasons. Continue reading “The Emergency Medical Condition (EMC)”

What Happens If I Fail to Get Medical Treatment within 14 Days?

If I fail to treat within 14-days after my accident – can I still use the full $10,000 in PIP benefits to pay my medical providers? Unfortunately, Fla. Stat. 627.736 says “no” and this “no” is not negotiable.

Recall that in my prior article, I explained that PIP benefits are not automatically paid directly to the injured claimant following an accident (with exceptions), pursuant to Fla. Stat. 627.736. Rather, PIP benefits are most commonly used to pay medical providers for treatment received after an accident. Now that we have debunked the misconception that injured claimants automatically receive $10,000 following an accident, it is important to be aware of the 14-day rule relating to medical treatment and PIP benefits. In order to fully appreciate the importance of this 14-day rule, consider the following example:

You carry $10,000 in PIP coverage. You pay a premium for your $10,000 in PIP coverage, hoping you never need it. Unfortunately, you find yourself involved in an accident and have injuries. Due to other commitments and obligations, you neglect to visit a doctor within 14-days of your accident. On the 15th day, you visit a chiropractor, informing the chiropractor that you were in an accident and providing your insurance information. You mistakenly believe that PIP will pay up to 80% of the provider’s bill, leaving you with (hopefully) a small 20% payment. Your provider submits their bill to your PIP carrier and the claim/bill is denied, leaving you confused and nervous. What went wrong? Unfortunately, this is a common situation that could have potentially been avoided, had you sought treatment within 14-days. Continue reading “What Happens If I Fail to Get Medical Treatment within 14 Days?”

How are PIP Benefits Paid?

practice-bg1I am often asked by clients – do I automatically get a $10,000.00 PIP (personal injury protection) check made payable to me, following a car accident? In the typical scenario, unfortunately, the answer is no. This article will briefly explain the purpose of Florida PIP insurance and its applicability when you are in an accident. Please note that nothing in this article is to be construed as rendering legal advice but is for informational purposes only.

Florida is a no-fault state that requires every vehicle owner to carry $10,000 in PIP benefits pursuant to Fla. Stat. 627.7407. This means that when you are in an accident, whether it is your fault or not, you qualify to make a claim for PIP benefits (if available). But what is the purpose of this required coverage and who gets the money? Does the claimant automatically get a $10,000.00 check made payable to them, following an automobile accident? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Continue reading “How are PIP Benefits Paid?”

5 Benefits of Using a Real Estate Attorney As Your Title Agent

real estate lawyersYou know to keep your car insurance and health insurance up to date, but has title insurance been at the front of your mind during your home buying process? For most buyers, title insurance is an afterthought that they entrust to the person most convenient to complete the job. However, title insurance is actually one of the most important components of purchasing a new home, and as such it should be handled by a professional and experienced real estate attorney.

Continue reading “5 Benefits of Using a Real Estate Attorney As Your Title Agent”

4 Things You Should Do Immediately After an Auto Accident

If you have been involved in an auto accident, it is essential that you take very specific steps in the immediate hours and days after your accident. The right strategy will help you prove your role as a victim and give you stronger chances of being awarded significant financial compensation as a result. Here are four things you should be sure to do.

Continue reading “4 Things You Should Do Immediately After an Auto Accident”